Raphael Kessler

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Some Messages

Here are some of the messages I have received from people who found my website. I received many more mails before I decided to keep some for you to see.

I almost always appreciate people's comments. It is also useful to be informed of any errors I have on my website, which people do from time to time. I have not included those mails here, as when accurate I have then made the appropriate adjustments.

I also regularly receive e-mails from people requesting information, offering praise or sometimes criticism or wanting to use an image of mine for whatever reason.

I try to reply to everyone who writes to me, though those replies are not generally included here. This is just a selection of e-mails I have received, if you have written to me and your message is not here, please don't take offence.


Your website (and travels) are amazing.  I just wanted to write to say "thank you" for such a great resource.  You gave me many ideas for my upcoming vacation to South America.  I'm planning it out right now, if I had the money and time to do as much detail as you did would be it would be spectacular! -Thanks Again
hey hey!
You have an amazing talent in photo journalism, very straight to the point, yet sufficiently descriptive, good pictures too! What kind of camera do you use?

Leslie JS
Hi Raphael
You sure have traveled, and you know how to really have fun when travelling.
I saw one of the pictures where you are "dancing salsa"---
If only It was a video and not a picture..... jejejjejejjej
If you ever come to Mexico, to the northern part, where I live: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
...please let me know,
It would be my pleasure to show you surroundings.
Saludos desde Mexico
Patricia Hansen

Two more wonders you may want to consider are the Sequoia National Forest with it's immense trees and
Death Valley.  I have seen both and was amazed.

hi Raphael,
I enjoyed the pix and explanations very much.  I esp. liked the photos from Bolivia -- awesome!
Your description of the hungry people in the U.S. buffet really made me laugh.  Those are my people, all right!
Good luck in checking off those remaining wonders of the world.
Berkeley, California
Hello Raphael Kessler,
I found your web site by search for images of "deep blue wallpaper" on www.google.com
I like the picture, because it has a depth inside, which makes the picture look like in 3D.

I am a Vietnamese living in Tokyo. I see that you have also some pictures of Vietnam.
You have some really nice pictures of the sea and the sky and the dessert!
I would like to use one of them as the wallpaper for my desktop PC:

This picture keep me thinking that I will choose a road for my life that is not easy but fun!

Thank you very much!
My name is Natasha Oren and i am in 10th grade, I am doing a paper on Nicaragua and I was wondering if I could use your pictures in my presentation. I won't receive any money, in fact the most I can hope for is an A but I think the pictures would be great to show my classmates how beautiful and varying the land is. Thank you for your time even if you would prefer I not use the pictures. You would be fully cited in the bibliography and under the pictures. Thanks again.  
Natasha Oren
Dear Raphael,
I am the manager of Freeola.com and your site has come to my attention as it appears in our busiest sites list and I see that you are using over 300 Mb of hard disk space.
I'd like to congratulate you on a great site, a fine example of how Freeola with its unlimited web space and features has allowed you to publish engaging, functional and detailed web sites. I'd like to feature your site in one of our future newsletters if you wouldn't mind?
Regards, Danny Corder Senior Manager
Dear Raphael
My name is Janet Harrison and I have lived in Northern Ireland all my life, I must say your website is absolutely brilliant, showing Ni in a beautiful peaceful setting and not the "riots" that the world assumes.

OK enough of the crawling lol, I do hope you can take a good joke as obliviously you have met loads of people of your travels while taking these photos. The reason I'm emailing you is that  I belong to a world wide forum were we learn about making our own websites and how to use images properly without ruining them. One of our "challenges" for want of a better word, is to show our country in its glory and the Giants Causeway is one of the best known places in Northern Ireland. I, of course do have loads of photos myself of the causeway, but with moving house recently they are probably still packed away somewhere.

I would love to have your permission to use any of your photos to complete my challenge to show exactly what my country is like.

I will understand is you do not wish me to use them, I will be adding your copyright to each photo I use and of course a link back to your site, to let them see more of my country.
I would really appreciate your permission for this.
Yours sincerely
Janet Harrison
Your a bigot and I guess you think it's better to have one of your crazy royals marry six people. How dare you in the name of intellectual materials intellectual what a joke. The church of England like the rest of your country is shrinking. Just remember the C.of E. was started by a mad man murderer. So much for your "intellectual web site" we're 1.1 billion strong. you moron.
My reply:
You may want to find a dictionary now, as I will use some words of more than one syllable.

Until you can form a coherent argument, I suggest you stop communicating with people. Once you have thought about what you said and repented, confessed and made the appropriate penance, I may listen to a more constructed statement. If you are unable to do this, I think you should shut yourself away from a society that you are obviously unable to interact with responsibly.

For your information, I am not C of E.

Popes aren’t dictators, moron. They lead a church that people voluntarily belong to.
Hi Raphael - hope by now you've heard about The Zimbabwean newspaper. if not please have a look at our website and see attached. We'd very much to use your fantastic photos in our newspaper please - starting with the one of Kariba next week. regret we are not in a position to pay anything but would be happy to give you a credit. look forward to hearing from you.Wilf Mbanga
The Zimbabwean Limited
Dear Sirs,
We are preparing a book entitled Le KGB et les pays baltes which will be published in January (print run : 3000). We would like to reproduce on the cover the following picture of Siaulai in Lithuania. Could you please send me a high resolution file and specify your terms ?
Thank you very much for your answer.
Hi. As I mentioned we are making a website for a school of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. As part of the website we are including a brief history of Buddhist universities, both in India and in Tibet. The Tibetan part will begin with Samye monastery. We would like to use your photo of Samye in this context. The website is obviously still under construction, but there is a little info there now: www.maitripa.org . Let me know if there is any other information you would like.
Best, Jeremy Manheim
Dear Raphael:
I am in the process of writing an in-depth article on Iran for Newtopia Magazine in the United States (www.newtopiamagazine.net).  The article will give an overview of the history of Iranian culture, social and political life.  This article will attempt to give the reader a better understanding of Iranians as a people and how U.S. foreign policies may affect them. 
While perusing the Internet, I came across your travel photos from Iran posted on your website.  If you would be amenable to granting permission, I would like to use a couple of them alongside my article.  I am particularly interested in the photos depicting the ruins of Persepolis and the tombs of ancient kings. 
Please let me know if you need any more information about me, the article or the publication. 
Thank you for your time.
Natylie Baldwin
Hi Raph,
I noticed your photo’s of Marrakech – Jma el Fna and wondered if you have more of these in stock…I am preparing a theatre play that we will be playing this summer in Holland on the old Al Halqa theatre. This is the kind of theatre , people used to be playing on Jma el Fna and during moussems in Marocco.
We need some photo material for promotional purposes. But since we only are a small theatre group, we can not afford to pay hundreds of euro’s for stock photography. Can you help out.
Also check my website www.arpeggio.nl.
I would love to hear from you!
Britt Arp
Producer El Halqa
Hi Raphael,
I bumped into your website via a google search. Some of your photos are very amusing ?especially the one with the group ignoring the "Pissing Prohibited" sign. I'm working on a video presentation that shows how people live their lives, what they do for work, play etc.... I'm wondering if I can have your permission to use some of your photos in my video. This is a self-project for my one-man design studio so I don't have any cash to pay for usage, so I guess asking for an "in-kind" permission. Would love to use some of your pics. I'll send you a copy of the video when I'm done if you like. Please let me know.
Ahmad Jordan

Tu pagina encontre por medio de buscador Google, simplemente escribiendo el nombre de Nicaragua y buscando imagenes, una de las imagenes (disculpa, algunas de las palabras que estoy escribiendo deben llevar tilde, pero mi tablero es ingles) fue el enlace con tu WEB, entre por curiosidad y lei tus experiencias duranre tus visitas a Nicaragua. Leo un poco el ingles, suficiente para entender lo que escribistes sobre las Islas del Maiz, Ometepe y Leon. Estoy de acuerdo contigo que la Pequena Isla del Maiz (Little Corn Island) es mas atractiva que la gran isla, he estado en ambas por razones de trabajo, conoci hotel La Iguana en 2001, muy bonito, acogedor, muy bonitas aguas, buena gente.

Hasta pronto amigo,

Cristian Guevara

Have just managed to get onto your web-page.  I think of the 50 places I've only been to 13.  Had a look at your photo's and descriptions of Peru.  Looks quality!  I'm going soon and was wondering if you could give me some advice on my upcoming itinerary.

I'm going to be in Peru very soon but unfortunately I will only be there for three weeks (August 18th - September 8th).  With access to Macchu Pichu being restricted to certain numbers now, I have had to book my tour in advance, so I'll be doing the 4 day Inca Trail on the 2nd September in my final week..

My plan is basically:
Fly into Lima on the 18th August, stay 1 night then head up to Huaraz to do 4 day Llanganuco-to-Santa Cruz loop (Codillera Blanca)
Go to Trujillo by bus from Huaraz, see Chan Chan and possibly other sites
Head back to Lima, fly to Puerto Maldonado, spend upto five days there in the Amazon.
Fly to Cusco on the 31st August to do 4 day Inca Trail starting on 2nd September.
Fly back to Lima on the 7th September to fly out of Lima on the 8th.
Do you think this is a good plan?
Do you think I'm missing places that I definately should try to fit in?  and Is my itinerary realistic?

Hope you can help and thank you in advance

Gareth Wilce

London, UK
my name is paul I'm a dj from the US.
I am working on a project called- international sounds of the future.  the projects aim is to promote international understanding through music.  the project is now almost complete.  It is the result of collaborations between myself and an array of musicians form many countries  I am contacting you because I was moved by your Easter Island photos.
I would like to include an image from your site in the cd artwork. I don't have a lot of money, or a big record contract. I just love MUSIC.  you can find out about me at: www.djpe.com
I'm not sure what to offer but please contact me if you are at all interested.

the reason I want to include the photo is because I think we all have a lot to learn from Easter Island

thank you,
paul edwards
dear raphael

i found your webpage while searching pictures in the internet. i did a lot of travelling myself and
i enjoyed the pictures very much. but i really wonder where you were in germany. munich is an international,
big and beautiful city with great sights and culture. thousands of asians, africans and americans cross the
square in front of the rat's house (new mayor hall) every day, and no one gets evil stares. in munich, your friend could be a stock broker or the pizza delivery guy. as much as in any other european metropole of the 21st  century.

travel without prejudice

greetings from munich


My Reply:

Thankyou for your comments, I appreciate feedback from people, no matter the subject. My unfortunate experiences in Germany have been something that I have discussed with several of my German friends. Some seemed to think that it could still happen, whereas others told me that it has changed considerably. It was almost ten years ago, that we were in Munich, I expect that the increase in immigrants of colour and settling of the older and second generation immigrants has eased the problem. Unfortunately, the experiences one has are bound to stay with us in our opinions, until replaced by a more recent (hopefully pleasenter) happening.

I hope this all makes sense.

Thanks once again for getting in touch.


I'm an italian blogger. I have read now that i must ask your
permission to use images: can i use a picture of Hong Kong that i have
found in your blog? If u don't agree, i cancel it from my blog.
my blog: www.sottoununicocielo.blogspot.com
Thank u

luca dello iacovo
Ante todo quiero felicitarlo por la dicha que ha tenido de viajar por tantos rincones del mundo y mas aun de contar con imágenes hermosas de tantos lugares de insuperable belleza.
También yo he realizado muchos viajes pero lamentablemente en aquella época no existía la tecnología digital. Las fotos del Río Orinoco que tengo no son muy buenas. Por esa razón me dirijo a usted a fin de solicitar su autorización para usar una de sus fotografías en mi Web personal.


Como ve, allí hago mención a la autoría de la foto y he puesto un link hacia su site.
Me encantaría contar con su aprobación pero en caso contrario no hay problema, yo quitaré de inmediato su imagen de la Web.
Espero muy pronto tener su respuesta.
Un cordial saludo

Morella Jiménez
Hi Raph,
I found your website from searching for photographs of children from Ethiopia.  I am currently in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia.  I’d like to use your photograph of the group of children and of the rotating globe on my website.  I am raising funds ($18000 needed) to help me to fund the adoption through hopetrinkets.com where I’d like the images to sit.  Is this possible? 
Thanks, Marit
Dear Raphael - My name is Cynthia Purvis and I work for Hewlett Packard.  I would like to use your photograph of the Tower of Pisa in an internal, proprietary power point presentation.  The photo will not be altered in any way.  I will acknowledge and duly reference your copyright.  The picture (within the presentation) will be seen and distributed ONLY to select people within HP.  The document will be marked HP confidential and will not be seen outside of HP.  The content of the presentation has nothing to do with you or the Tower of Pisa.  The photo will simply be used as an example of something that leans.  The presentation will not be marketed, sold or published in any format or media.  The presentation has no economic benefit.  Accordingly, can I have your permission to include your photo in the HP internal and confidential Power Point presentation?  We could draw our own illustration of the tower or use someone else’s photo of the tower.  Your photo will be quite adequate and I’d like to use it with your permission.
With regards and respect for your intellectual property,
Cynthia J. Purvis

I am making a 12 minute video for the Mennonite Central Committee in Abbotsford, British Columbia.  The purpose of the video is to encourage churches here in Canada to sponsor refugees.  The family I am featuring in this video is from Colombia.  They came  to Canada as refugees about 1 1/2 years ago.  I need photos to illustrate the violence in Colombia.

Any chances of using some of your photos from the web site?

Do you have any that show bomb destruction or death?

Thank you,

My Reply:

Thankyou for your request. I do not have any pictures of death and destruction, as you have asked for. Furthermore, although Colombia has undeniable problems, it is a beautiful country with fantastic people and culture. I think there is a danger highlighting only the problems especially when so many of the problems are exacerbated by the policies of the USA and complicity of other governments (yours and mine included) that do nothing to deal with the root causes of the problems.

I will not be able to give you a release to use my images, as I generally avoid doing so for religious groups of any persuasion.

Raphael Kessler
hi raphael

cool homepage. wow, you have seen so much of the world. the question which comes up, how can you afford that??? if you dont mind asking. probably by not having got married (which would have kept me on the roads more ;-)))

Anyway, you have some great pics on the net and I am even more jealous of all the wonderful moments you must have had during your travels.

I wish you good luck and loads more good journeys. happy travels.

Regards from Switzerland

Hello, I was searching for some pictures of Brasilia when I found your website. Wow! You have visited the whole world, I wish  I could do it someday.   This picture (http://www.raphaelk.co.uk/web%20pics/Brazil/first/President's%20Palace%20-%20Brasilia.jpg) has a wrong title, it isn´t the president´s palace, that building is the senate and congress. The President´s palace is the  Palácio do Planalto.

Thanks, Fernando.

-- since amended (I think). --
Hi, Raphael,

I´m Martín i am from Bogota. I saw your website about my country and i just to say you make me feel so very proud, because our landscapes can be taken you. I can see your impressions in every picture, really you have been surprising by us.

I do not know if you were in El Tayrona, a beautiful beaches in Santa Marta. Really is a natural park was where living the Tayronas, an ancient  people of santa marta. Now, there are only an old town named Ciudad Perdida. I was here recently, in the beaches, a send you a pictures.
Well, thanks for this website, for talking god about us, and thanks for seeing us as really we are.
Take care your self.

I am working on an educational installation about the origins of man  for the Museum of the African Diaspora, which will open in San  Francisco in December. We would love to include your image of the  Bedouin beehive houses posted on your website, and possibly one or  two of the others, as our installation will follow the development of  human civilization in many countries. You have some great photos!

I am working with a non-profit production company in San Francisco  called Luna Media, and working closely with the museum  (www.moadsf.org) to develop some content for them. We have an  extremely limited budget, so I am hoping you would be willing to  donate the use of this image.

If you'd like to know more about us, you can read this article about our last film: http://www.apple.com/pro/video/margerin/ (our website seems to be down right now, otherwise I'd send you there too)

Let me know what you think.


Robin Fontaine

My name is Adam and I live in the US. I came across your website and was amazed at the places that you
have been. I am curious as to how you do it? It is a dream and a goal to travel the world, but I have
neither the time or money. I am curious how you travel, with who and why you do it. Thanks for taking
time to read my questions. Thanks

Adam Forgie
Raphael... I found your images of Jerusalem by a Google search, and wondered if we could get permission to use one of the photos (showing the Wailing Wall with the Dome of the Rock in the background).
We want to project it on the screens in our auditorium this Saturday and Sunday in our worship services, during a segment in which we will be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
Credit for use of the photo would be given as per your instructions.
Please reply to me at dbenedict@eastside.com
Thank you very much.
Dave Benedict
Minister of Media/Publication
Eastside Christian Church

-- In Further Correspondence --

Raphael... thanks so much for your quick reply, and for granting permission to use your photograph.  I thought your shots were very well done.

However, it turns out that our Senior Pastor was uncomfortable with a photo that included the Dome of the Rock; I told him that if we were praying for Jerusalem it wasn't inconsistent to pray for the peace of all segments of Jerusalem's culture, but he reiterated his original feeling.

So it turns out we'll be using a photo from another source that just shows the area of the Western Wall.

Again, thanks for your willingness to help us.

Dave Benedict

Hi i was on your site looking at the architectural wonders, and i just gotta tell you, being Scottish and all.... that the Forth road bridge is in Scotland, it is not anything to do with England!
-- Duly Amended -- Apologies to the Scots --
Hello Raphael,
This is Figen from Turkey. I was searching about Inkas' civilization for my holiday plans for a long time. When I was loosing myself in many noneless web pages,  suddenly I've met your page. :) It's very very good work Raphael. Congratulations! By the way I've just graduated from the university and just found a job. The trips from Turkey to Peru is extremely expensive. I must collect my salary nearly for 2 years. So, I must postpone my plans for next years. But, the photos with your humorous statements gave me a wonderful trip in your page. I'll continue to read your page. I hope you to go Iceland also. ;)Thank you again.

Note:Aaaaaaaaa! Just a moment...I also saw your amusing pictures.........which is related Turkey........... Between the all those fans, these 2 ones must be the most stupid ones. So if you catch them for photographing... again it is your success. :)
Hey sir do you know that you are very rude ?
No one from iranian don't let you that you say to our women ( sexy women) . You sould ashamed of your behavior about iranian female . you are not in that grade that can say your opinion about iranain .  I'm sorry but you can say your opinion about your own women . iranian women are most better than your women .Because they save thier culture . not relegious culture . of corse thier traditional culture . Because our relegion before islam say's that :(( The good women is who , that only his husband can see her hair's and other parts of her body that no one else can't see them .)) And if you see some one that was like that , you should know she wasn't iranian . Idon't know for any where else .  please first search about iranian after that tell your opinion .
Hola Raph!

My name is Lizandro. I am an Argentinean guy who visited your site regarding your trip to my country.

I liked it very well. You took very good pictures of almost every corner of the country.

I just wanted to let you know that the picture shown in this page:

http://www.raphaelk.co.uk/web%20pics/Argentina/argentina.htm where you are standing close to a small electri car of the police has nothing to do with "economic strife and ensuing budget cutbacks have reduced the size of the Buenos Aires police force". Actually that is a car that belongs to the "Seguridad Turistica" (Tourist Police). This is one a several cars that the Tourist Police of Buenos Aires City uses to protect small areal as parks, squars and pedestrian streets and has nothing to do with the economic crisis.

Best Regards,              
Lizandro Llancafilo
-- I know, it was a joke -- Obviously, not overly funny --
 Dear Raph

My name is Mark Ballance- From Zim living in London. I think that your photos of kariba at dawn and at dusk on your website are fantastic and as my folks live round that area I am looking for some photographs to remind me of home for my little flat here in London.

I am just wandering if you are willing to pass on your photographs and how much you ask for them? I was also wandering if this was possible what size we would be able to blow them up and keeping the images crisp?

I look forward to your reply

Mark Ballance
Hey Raphael,
I was just googling for "Asi es la vida", when I saw the picture on your
homepage. Wow, your homepage is incredible!
When did you see all these places? I would like to travel like you did,
around the world, but I don't have enough money and time. So, how did
get the chance to travel that much? Did you work on your trip?
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself...I'm Johanna, from Germany.
Well, I read it yet, that you didn't like Germany that much, but I can
tell you there are nice places here...and people! ;o)

So, I would be happy if you write back.
Greetings from Germany, Johanna


I do not know how I came upon your sight. To tell you the truth I was doing a search for Lutheran Pastors. You are AMAZING, to say the least.

You have never visited the plain states, ie...Illinois?  You may find them very friendly and fun, maybe not so much beauty to see, unless you like cornfields (which by the way I DO).

I just can't believe all the places you have been. I would love to go to just ONE of them. You are a very handsome, smart and lucky man.

E-mail me back, If you have the time, I would love to talk more with you about your adventures.

-- The next mail --

You know after looking at the pictures of the home you bought, I am somewhat disappointed. As adventures as you are in your travels, your home should reflect that. But you have all white walls and rather boring decorations. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. But the type of man you are deserves much more than just plain white walls.

May be none of my business, but I would think you could come up with better, or at least find someone (maybe me) to help you put together a home that reflects YOU.

Ruth  again Have a nice day or evening, whatever it is where  you are.

-- Sorry to have disappointed --

I was just wondering whether the list of 50 places to visit was in order of must see first or are they in no particular order and you made the list as the names came to you.



-- Read what it says -- Then ask again --
who guives u rights over that pictures? Wanka!
Duarte Fernandes <duarte@duartebelchiorfernandes.com>
-- International Copyright Law -- Thanks for asking --
Hi Raphael,

I enjoyed your webpage about Israel. I actually returned from a trip to Israel just two weeks ago, and
I'm still having withdrawals as it was an incredible place to visit.

I was reading some of your descriptions about the trips that you took, and I wanted to offer some
information about the western wall, which you mentioned was formerly the western wall of the second temple.

While in Jerusalem, I took a tour of the Southern Wall Excavations, which Israel began excavating in 1967. It is basically a tunnel that runs under the Muslim Quarter, which you'll see to the left of the western wall in your photos. Basically, many people mistakenly believe that the visible portion of the western wall was a part of the temple. According to the tour guide, it was not. In fact, as large as it appears, it is only a tiny portion of an enormous wall that runs for quite a distance. Looking at the left edge of your photos, imagine that where the wall comes to a corner, it actually extends further for, say, ten times the visible distance.

We learned that the temple stood at the top of the hill, Mt. Moria, where the Dome of the Rock currently stands. There was nothing built around the temple, until King Herod, the same king who built Masada, decided to build the Western Wall for whatever reason. It was built, and so was the platform on top of Mt. Moria, around the base of the temple. Inside the excavations, you can walk the entire length of this wall, and see portions that were well preserved by being buried for centuries. The stones are perfectly rectangular and fit together with pinpoint accuracy. Since the entire wall was visible from the outside, it was one of the seven wonders of the world. Many centuries after the destruction of the temple, huge arches were built to bring the level of the ground up to the level of the platform, where the Dome now stands, and the Muslim Quarter was built on top. This is why most of the western wall is now hidden "underground."

The temple, unfortunately, was completely destroyed, and nothing remains of it today. In fact, the Romans tried to destroy the wall and level the hill as well, but failed to do so as it was just too large. Those who pray at the Western Wall today do so not because it is the remains of the temple, but because it is the closest accessible point to where the temple used to stand.

If you have the opportunity to visit Israel again and haven't taken this tour, I highly recommend it. It
didn't cost more than a few shekels per person, but be aware that you need to make a reservation in advance, as they take limited groups inside. Also, I have some photos taken inside the excavations, and I'll email them to you if you'd like.

I hope this explanation made some sense, as it was a bit long. Once again, I enjoyed your site, and thanks for putting it up.

Kind regards,
Nathan Hartman


My name is Jessica and I am a student at Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. I am doing a multimedia degree and one of my courses require me to design a magazine. The magazine will be used for the course assesment only. I came across one of your images of samoan dancers that I would love to use in my article about Samoa. Let me know if this is ok. Of course I will put your details next to the picture.

Jessica Carlsson
By chance ran into your website with your pictures from Colombia.
Although I live in the USA I am a very proud Colombian. It is great to see foreigners having a good time in Colombia and sending out a positive message about our country.

Al the best,

Julio A. Chalela MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosciences



-- My parents think the same, coincidental or what? --


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All the images and text on this website are the copyright sole property of Raphael Kessler and cannot be copied or reproduced without his express permission. 
If you want to use any of his intellectual material please contact him via the link above