Syria is a country that suffers in the media. There is some
justification for this, considering the regimes that have been in power are far
from democratic and have suppressed freedoms both at home and abroad. The
country is not just the regime in power and there is a lot to see there and the
people were generally very hospitable.
There are a number of archeological sites to visit in the
country such as the Roman colonnades at Apamea (photo 1). There is also the
ancient remains of Palmyra (photos 2 & 3) which is in real need of
responsible restoration. The theatre in Palmyra was totally remade which may not
be what archeologists generally regard as restoration, but it does make it
easier to envisage how these things really were.
The ruins of Qasr Ibn Wardn are also interesting.
In Aleppo I went for a Hamam (Turkish bath) with some friends.
which was pleasant apart from the French tour group who barged through taking
photos and videoing us in a typically gallic rude and belligerent way.