Greetings from the land of Oz.
has been a while, so this is going to be a bit long. Actually it is very long.
to kick off. When I got to Australia at the beginning of April, I was looking
forward to catching up with several friends. The first amongst these to enjoy
the pleasure of my company was Tamara, whom I had met some months earlier in
Fiji. When Tamara told me that she lives in Stanmore, Sydney, I said we had to
meet up for drinks as my house is in Stanmore, London. The opportunity for twin
town drinking should not be missed. She agreed and so, my first night in Sydney
I had a nice time chatting with Tamara over a few beverages and in the Stanmore
pub. It made a really nice and welcoming first day in Australia.
next day I had a bit more detective work to find another friend. Sophie was a
friend of mine from University, whom I hadn't spoken to or heard from in years.
The last I had heard was that she was in Bondi Beach, doing something or other
with the Surf Rescue team there. After a bit of Internet research, I found that
she was actually an instructor with the North Bondi Surf Rescue team. So, off I
went to see if she was there. She wasn’t. I met someone who knew her, who
introduced me to someone who knew her better and then got her phone number and
gave her a call. I think she was a tad surprised to hear my voice on the line.
Anyway, a short while later, we met up and caught up a bit on old times which
was nice. So far that was two days and two reunions.
bus journey back to Woolloomooloo (who thought of that name, though it does have
an impressive quantity of ‘O’s in it) from Bondi was more interesting than
normal as the driver was either completely off his tree, drugged to the gills or
just released from an institution. Most likely all three. He would greet you on
the bus with some friendly conversation that usually involved asking, “Are you
feeling groovy? Because this is the groovy bus baby.” Then he would whistle,
launch into song, enlighten us with peculiar or invented anecdotes and
information. He also spoke as smattering of Chinese and Japanese, which meant
that those people would be subject to him shouting at him in their native
tongue, with a broad Ozzie accent. He would also harangue people he knew along
the route. This did make the journey more interesting, from a
socio-psychological point of view.
far I had been in Sydney two days and not seen its most famous view. The one of
Sydney Opera house next to the Harbour Bridge. I thought I would try and get the
most from it, by making an effort not to get even as much as a glimpse of these
landmarks until I reached the best vantage when they would be revealed to me in
their full glory.
do this, I walked through the Botanical Gardens, observing the flying foxes and
some nice trees and flowers, through to the park where Mrs. Macquarie's chair
(not actually a chair, but where the woman in question, wife of a megalomaniacal
Premier had sat down once). I walked there with my head tilted in such a way
that my hat obscured any view of the harbour and so the bridge. It also kept
other pedestrians away from me, as I was looking somewhat demented walking along
in a lop-sided manner.
I got to the pre-designated, top spot, I turned to see the view in its full
glory and to get the overwhelming sense of architectural awe I so wanted. What I
got was nothing. It just looked like all the postcards, posters, advertisements
and everything else, but a bit dirtier. Clive James described Sydney Harbour as
looking “like crushed diamonds”. Although I appreciate the poetic effort,
this stretch of water reflected the sunlight in the same way that water often
does. It was nice, though the diamonds thing is a bit over-stretched Clive.
I continued my walk around the harbour I was tempted to go to the Sydney
aquarium, but had been disappointed by the last couple of aquaria I had visited
in New Zealand. I decided to go anyway and was suitably impressed by the range
and presentation of the aquatic life on display. The information and
presentation was first class and I enjoyed it immensely. My favourite was the
duck-billed platypus display. These are a strange aquatic creature with venomous
claws, a sensory bill and is a mammal that lays eggs, not giving birth to live
young as all the others do. It is actually from a very select group of animals
called monotremes. There are only three monotremes: the duck-billed platypus,
another platypus that can only be found in New Guinea and the echidna. Echidnas
look like an ant-eating hedgehog, just a bit bigger. The monotreme thing by the
way, means one hole. That is all they have for all their bowel and reproductive
processes. The platypus was almost classified as a reptile, except that a
meeting in London decided that it was a mammal. I am not convinced, though they
are cute, very special and lethal.
else that I was interested to see in the aquarium was the box jellyfish. This is
the most poisonous thing on the planet and as all these things like to be in
Australia, that is where this one can be found too. It is actually quite
unimpressive looking, but as far as venom goes, this one is the all out winner.
The funny thing is, nobody knows why it is so venomous as it has no need to be.
It doesn’t eat what it kills, it is just a killer. Not in a good way either.
Apparently the paroxysms of pain that you feel from just the lightest touch from
one of its tentacles are indescribable. There is an anti-venom, though the best
policy is simply to make sure you have no exposed flesh when swimming in water
where there are ‘stingers’.
the aquarium, I watched the antics of a bloke who calls himself Bikeboy. He
would juggle knives, chain saws and other such paraphernalia, balanced on the
handlebars of his BMX. Then, I was chosen to help out. This involved me holding
on to a pole whilst this freak, stood on a bike, on top of a pole, juggling
dangerous implements. I want you to remember, this meant that I was stood
underneath him. At the first available opportunity I got clear to watch him from
a safe distance. It was all reasonably impressive, though being a victim of a
falling chainsaw was a bit much to ask from me.
had been debating how I was best going to see Australia and had consulted with
friends in the know on the subject. It was widely agreed that having my own
transport would be the best way, though whether to get it in Sydney or perhaps
on the West Coast (easily reached by a long train ride) was debated. I checked
out a number of vehicles, all with too many problems. When at the Backpacker car
market in Sydney I found some guys desperate to sell their Pajero 4x4, I managed
to knock them down to a price I found acceptable and they accepted. This thing
had so much crap in it. I hardly had space to put my bags, though I did squeeze
them in amongst the detritus as I headed down to Melbourne to catch up with
another friend. I had actually never thought I would own one of these things, as
Pajero unfortunately means wanker in Spanish. Not the best choice of name for a
car. Mitsubishi is the same company that called a car the Starrion, a Japanese
mistake, as it is an accented Stallion, in the same stable as their Colt.
to Sydney is about nine or ten hours driving. At first I thought of this as
quite a drive. I now think of it as popping down the road. On arrival Nick and I
caught up and talked crap, over several beers into the early hours. We hadn’t
seen each other since we had done a tour together in Vietnam and although we had
always kept in touch intermittently, a lot had happened since then.
enjoyed my time in Melbourne, particularly, when Nick and I went to see an AFL
game. Australian Rules football is a fast paced, frantic, often violent game.
The game we went to was Hawthorne vs. Essendon. Both local teams, both doing
poorly. There was supposed to be some local tensions and the venue, the MCG, is
the place to see a game. The first two quarters were a bit slow going and
Hawthorne (Nick’s team), were a bit crap. This allowed me the time to
understand fully what was going on, who was doing what and why, the rules and so
forth. The second half, the Hawks really stepped up a gear or three. The game
became quicker paced, more fun and it looked for a while as though Hawthorne
might win. There were some dramatic goals, but ultimately, Essendon managed to
win by just two points, though Hawthorne could certainly be proud of their
second half showing. The pace of the game makes this a very enjoyable game to
watch and I really decided I liked this sport. Incidentally, it was later shown
that a goal that had been allowed for Essendon should not have been, as it had
not crossed the line. That meant that six points had been awarded when they
shouldn’t – the Hawks had actually won.
is an eclectic, multi-ethnic, cultured city. Apparently with the third largest
Greek speaking population, after Athens and Thessaloniki, it also has a large
Italian, Vietnamese, Jewish and many other communities. This gives it a
different feel. It also makes it a good place to eat.
met up with Gene, another friend, whilst in Melbourne and together we toured
some of the more cultural sites. Across the river from the main town is
Federation Square, a new architectural, arty area. At first look, it looked like
some recycled metals had been thumped into large cubes and dropped by the side
of the road. On closer inspection, it is actually much more intricate. There are
no conventional shapes in the structure and none of the areas is completely
flat, including the ground. Despite myself, I quite liked it. The displays of
Australian and aboriginal art were also very good.
are several galleries, theatres and so forth in the precinct and the
international art collection is housed in a building reminiscent of Mao’s
mausoleum in Beijing. We didn’t go in there, though we did visit an exhibition
of Kylie Minogue’s costumes and so forth. It only took a few minutes to get
around. You don’t realise until you see the life-sized mannequins, with her
clothes on, she really is a small. Actually pint sized would be an
overstatement, more like a shot glass. Despite having very high-heels on and
being on a platform I actually stand taller than she does. She is clearly a
midget, though not with the stumpy limbs normally associated with the vertically
wandering took us further and to the casino where I won a bit of money, but was
quickly bored of it, so we left to go to the Victoria market. There one can find
all sorts of things, from tourist tat, to general stuff. Nice to look around
though. Gene and I then parted company and I continued my meandering.
whilst in Melbourne I got some work done to the car I had bought, checked over
and did some preventative stuff. I also cleared out a lot of the crap the
previous owners had sold it with. In the end there was still a lot of crap that
was slowly thrown away as I toured the country. I was prepared for the long haul
around the country.
thought that it would be fun, more interesting and more economical to find a
travel companion or two, to head west with me, to which end, I put up a number
of notes on notice-boards at hostels around town. I also contacted a number of
people who had put up notices asking for rides. The response was just
frustrating. Of the many I contacted, most wanted me to wait several days to fit
with their schedules. One said she couldn’t come, as she did not have a
sleeping bag. Another, whom I met, she wouldn’t come unless she knew precisely
when and where we would be stopping en route. In general, they were just
completely bereft of any spontaneity, something I think of as a pre-requisite
for enjoyable travel. So, I decided better not to have any of this lousy mob and
headed towards Adelaide along the Great Ocean Road, on my own.
Great Ocean Road is often feted as an epic, impressive, journey along the South
Victorian coastline. It is nice. The thing is, most of it is just pleasant,
there are a few great bits, though these are within about fifty kilometres of
each other. They should change the name to the Pleasant Ocean Road, with the
Great bit in the middle. Perhaps not quite so catchy for the tourist market, but
a lot more honest. By the way, the great bit is where the coastline has eroded
to leave large chunks at see. These make for lovely viewing. One, London Bridge,
was a double arch extending to the sea, when one of the arches collapsed leaving
several tourists bemused and temporarily stranded.
spending the night in the car, at a truck stop, I got to Adelaide, had a bit of
a look around and realised that the town did not inspire me. I had already put
up a few notes in hostels to find a travelling companion, met one, who seemed
okay and then decided my time would be better served heading down the Fleurieu
Peninsula towards Kangaroo Island.
ferry crossing to the island was uneventful and on the island I boarded a bus
for my tour. The tour took us to several viewpoints and we also got to see
seals, sea lions and other wildlife. For me, the main reason to go was to see a
Koala. Koalas were actually introduced to the island and are so successful
there, that they have taken over entire sections. Where we stopped for lunch was
apparently the best place to see them, so whilst everyone else slowly munched
through their meals, I wolfed mine down and went off to find the cuddly
marsupial. Almost tripping over a few Tamar wallabies, I came across one high up
in a tree, silhouetted against the sky. I was told by some other folk wandering
around, that this was the only one. They were wrong. I found one a little
further along, resting in the bough of a tree, with his back to the path. I
clambered through the undergrowth and part way up a neighbouring tree to get a
better view look and the Koala turned slowly and gave me a disparaging look. I
was now just a couple of metres away and for the next little while, the Koala
and I would exchange glances, in between me taking photos and him dozing off. A
little further down the way, was an even cuter koala, just a couple of years
old, with Rosellas, a colourful bird flying around, it was very picturesque.
There was another Koala in the car park, so in total four. I had seen what I
wanted to see. The rest of the tour was pleasant enough, I got to meet a
Kangaroo Island kangaroo up close as he was scrounging for food. We also saw the
remarkable rocks. Interestingly eroded granite formations. Then after a brief
stop at the pub, got the boat back to the mainland, where I drove back up to
Adelaide, I spoke to several more annoying people about travelling with me. I
decided though that Jan, the fellow I had met the previous day would do. So we
met up again, then I went out with several people from his hostel and had a
generally uneventful night out. The following day, after using the facilities in
Jan’s hostel (I had slept in the car outside), we headed west.
think it is important to note that when I slept in the car, it was comfy. I had
a quilt and the back seats folded down and with a couple of thin sheets of MDF
and the mattress in place, it was more comfortable than a dorm bed. With the
curtains I had rigged, it was more private too.
next bit of the journey is often regarded as a bit of an epic trek. It isn’t
as challenging or repetitive as many had led me to believe though. The trip
actually would actually go through just a small bit of the true Nullarbor. The
other bit was just the same long road. The drive on the first day was not too
dramatic. The most interesting things to see were some of the strange sculptures
some people had put on their land adjoining the highway. Jan made for reasonable
company and we either chatted or listened to music contentedly. That evening we
drove little off road to camp for the night. Jan slept on the roof rack, I was
in the back. In the morning we set off for some more driving. There are some
spurs off the road, where one can get to see the Great Australian Bight. This is
a dramatic stretch of cliffs, most about eighty metres high and stretching for
eight hundred kilometres. Not only is a beautiful setting, it also made for a
welcome break from the tedium of driving.
else that would break some of the monotony were the signs. It would seem that
the Australians love to have signs all over the place. On this stretch there
would often be kangaroo, wombat and camel warning signs, with a ‘next 76kms’
bit, or some such distance underneath. Then sure enough 76kms later would be the
same set of signs, this time with ‘next 85kms’. This goes on for thousands
of kilometres. There is no reason why they couldn’t just have said at the
start of the highway, until you get to the other end of this bloody long road,
there may be all sorts of wildlife on the road, try not to hit it. When crossing
from South Australia into Western Australia (the states here are very
imaginatively named), there was a camel, kangaroo, wombat sign next 356kms, at
least a mild improvement. There are signs all over the country for anything they
can possibly put a sign up for. Some are genuinely required, some are just a
waste of money. On even the gentlest of bends there would be a sign alerting you
to an upcoming curve. My favourite for banality was the ‘No lines, No
Overtaking, Unless Safe’. So what is that supposed to mean. The other version
presumably is - No overtaking, unless safe, as opposed to normally when you can
overtake when you like, even if it is deadly.
recurring theme of driving through outback Australia particularly, is the
roadkill. The amount of dead wallabies and kangaroos at the sides and on the
roads is prolific. Some stretches there would be some dead animal every two or
three hundred metres. Given the industrious efforts of Wedge Tailed Eagles and
crows feeding off the carcasses, they could not have been there that long
either. There were literally thousands on this stretch alone. There would be
dead cows, birds, snakes and lizards too, though the ‘Roos’ were certainly
the biggest casualties. Sometimes bloody huge. A red kangaroo can be well over
six feet tall and so hitting one can be lethal not only for the kangaroo, but
also for those in the car. For this reason most cars going through the area are
fitted with Roo-bars.
we approached Calguna, a roadhouse along the way, we must have passed about two
hundred kangaroos just stood along the sides of the road, seemingly transfixed
by the headlights, sometimes they would decide to run across the road, making
driving quite hazardous, as dodging these things was not easy. We stopped in at
the roadhouse to get a something to eat and to get some circulation back in the
limbs. The folk there were telling us that the kangaroos would often be found
hopping around the forecourt at night. Then the woman who worked there told us
that the previous evening she had heard a knocking at her front door. When she
went to open it, there was kangaroo stood there looking back at her.
Calguna and Balladonia is ‘Ninety Mile Straight’. The longest perfectly
straight bit of bitumen in the world. 145km or ninety miles of it. This bit did
not, in all honesty seem any different to the other straight bits of road, the
curves if there were any, were so gentle as to be almost imperceptible. In
Balladonia there is an impressive little museum containing parts of the Skylab,
an American satellite that crashed nearby. By the afternoon of the third day
though we reached the end of the Nullarbor at Norseman, a town founded by a
horse. Seriously, this is Australia, things like that happen here.
Nullabor, supposed to be treeless, is actually quite green for the most part. In
some areas there are less trees, though in general there were plenty. The types
of tree would change from time to time, all different Eucalyptus though (there
are about a thousand types of Eucalyptus). Something that was particularly
picturesque would be some of the bird life along the way. Lorikeets and Galas
would fly in flocks and look quite lovely.
drive had not been as treacherous as we had been led to believe, with roadhouses
every two or three hundred kilometres and actually apart from the kangaroos
darting across the road, the most dangerous thing had been an ‘Oversized
load’ coming down the road. It was a massive bulldozer. By massive, I mean,
the thing, which was on the back of a truck, was wider than the entire road. It
had police out-riders directing us off the road. The bulldozer itself was big,
then came the shovel, even larger and threatening to turn my car into a
convertible. This was a big bit of kit. Later, I saw some pictures of even
bigger things, some which required several trucks pulling and pushing in unison
to take them down the road. The road trains on this route were not as massive as
I was to come across later, mostly being only two trailers long, occasionally
three. In the Northern Territory, I would regularly see road trains of four
trailers. That is a long truck to overtake. When they passed in the opposite
direction, it often felt like they were going to suck the doors off the car. It
gave a little wake up nudge from time to time.
did not hold our attention for long and so we went north to Kalgoorlie.
Kalgoorlie is in the Western Australian goldfields and is an attractive little
city. It is also the only place I am aware of where you can take tours of a
working brothel. It had to be done. I went along and with a group, we went
through all the different theme rooms in the place and were given some insights
into the history and workings of the brothel and town. Some rooms were fitted
out for sports enthusiasts, with a boxing ring bed, another was like a car,
there was a Japanese room and a Roman orgy room amongst others. It was an
interesting insight into the world’s oldest trade. As I went in, I saw the
price list. Quarter of an hour was a hundred dollars, half an hour, two hundred
and the full hour, three hundred dollars. That is a lot of money. Although the
tour cost me thirty-five dollars, it lasted over an hour, so I think going by
those prices, I actually screwed them. Before you wonder, no, there were no
interesting bit of information by the way. The courthouse is just down the
street, just after the road changes its name. The reason it does this is that
according to Western Australian law, you can’t have a court on the same street
as a brothel. As the council didn’t want to move the courthouse and the
prostitutes were firmly ensconced in their bordellos, the cheapest way of
getting around this was just to give the two ends of the road different names.
Kalgoorlie, we headed south to Esperance and Cape Le Grand National Park. There
we found long pearl white beaches, fringed with gentle cliffs in parts and in
others, rolling dunes of the same silicone rich sand. There I got to use the 4x4
ability of the car to full extent driving amongst, through and over the dunes.
Then we drove along the beaches and encountered wallabies relaxing there. With a
little cautious coaxing we could approach them and actually stroke them a bit.
This made the setting even more special as the beaches were world class.
our way through the southwest, we saw various spots of minimal interest and then
headed up towards Perth. En route we stopped to see the big Karri (or Red
Tingle) trees near Walpole. These are not just big they are amongst the largest
trees in existence, up to sixty metres high and sixteen metres around the base.
There is a walkway that takes you up to the canopy and gives you more of a sense
of the size of the thing. At ground level, one could actually walk inside some,
where there was space for several people.
there, we drove towards Perth and stayed in a spot nearby. That is when Jan, who
had previously been a reasonable travel companion, although incredibly tight,
pissed me off completely. We had taken it in turns to pay for petrol and kept an
account, so that it was kept equal. It was his turn to do so when we were a
couple of hundred kilometres from Perth, which he did. As we went off, he
mentioned that the tank had not been full when we had left Adelaide. I agreed,
so said that it would not be when we got to Perth either, so we would call it
quits then. He didn’t like this, as he thought that the car was less full in
Adelaide than it would be when we got Perth, so he wanted me to pay the
difference. I said that this was probably about ten dollars worth of petrol. He
wanted the ten dollars. I explained that I had just driven him four and a half
thousand kilometres across a country and he was asking me for ten dollars. He
still wanted the ten dollars. My response “I just #@%#@@## drove you four and
a half THOUSAND #@$$#$#@ kilometres across the country and you are talking to me
about ten dollars, what about wear and tear?”
dollars is a lot of money to me.”
when I threw him out the car, drove over him repeatedly and buried him in a
shallow grave, which I then defecated on. Actually I didn’t, but I should have
done and I think I had just cause to do so. I actually just fumed and was
pleased to get rid of him in Perth. He was at least very thankful for the drive,
he said.
Perth, I chilled a bit and got some things sorted out. There I met Stephanie,
who was to be my travelling companion for the next while. I told her what had
happened with Jan, that I would not accept a repetition and she said that
nothing like that would happen. She had no personality, this I saw as a
potential bonus as there would at least be no prospect of a conflict. It was a
good theory.
our first leg, we headed north from Perth and the first site of much interest
was The Pinnacles. These are hundreds or perhaps thousands of limestone
pinnacles, dotting the desert all over one area.
there we headed on to Shark Bay and saw wild dolphins being fed from the beach
in Monkey Mia. The dolphins come right in shallow to less than knee deep water
and then are given a bit of fish by some rangers, who make sure that they are
not given much, so they still need to hunt themselves. Also only adult females
are fed. It is rare to see a wild creature so docile and close up, so it was
nice, the rangers would give a lecture explaining the dynamics of the
environment, dolphins and so forth.
shark bay there are also stromatolites. What the blue buggery is a stromatolite?
I am sure you are wondering. Actually they are cyano-bacteria, formations that
resemble lumps of coral, but are actually living things. They are usually
several hundred years old, sometimes more and to most people are as exciting to
look at as cement. They aren’t particularly attractive, they do not move in a
noticeable way, actually there is a fair amount of reason that most people
don’t care about them. They are however remarkable things, actually it would
not be wrong for everyone to go and see the stromatolites and say a big thankyou
to them for all they have done. I think it would be best if I explained a bit.
These things existed in the world’s oceans three and a half thousand million
years ago. They are essentially amongst the first life forms to have existed.
They were thought to have been extinct for hundreds if not thousands of millions
of years and then someone literally tripped over colonies of them in Western
Australia (that is the sort of thing that happens in Australia). What is
remarkable about this, is that the person actually knew what he was looking at,
as to most folk they look like rocks. Now, the most impressive bit. When these
things first turned up, the atmosphere was toxic. What these things did was
breathe all the toxic nastiness in and out came oxygen bubbles. Over the course
of many millions of years, these oxygen bubbles changed the balance of the
atmosphere, cooled the oceans and essentially paved the way for an environment
that could support life on a major scale. These little single-celled fellas are
the reason we even have the possibility of a chance to maybe exist. I think they
deserve a bit more recognition than they get, even if they do look and are
slightly more active than a rock.
further north, we got to Exmouth, on the Ningaloo Reef. There I had an excellent
dive under the Navy Pier in the nay base there. The dive was world class, with
wobbegongs, reef sharks, catfish, crayfish, octopi, lionfish, grouper,
nudibranchs and so much stuff that it was almost too intense. The place is a
marvel, crammed with so much marine life, an exceptional dive. Shontel, my dive
buddy, a marine biologist was useful to have around as she is very observant and
the two of us were constantly pointing things out to each other.
Exmouth we went East to Karijini National Park. Karijini is most famous for its
chasms and gorges, many that were very picturesque and some of which we could
swim in, in the plunge pool of the waterfalls. The best viewpoint of the park
was definitely where four canyons meet, very special.
there, we traversed the Great Sandy Desert, which is not that great, merely
quite big. Then through the unattractive town of Port Headland, home to most of
Australia’s illegal immigrants. Apparently Mr. Howard is considering sticking
them on boats, which will then sink once in international waters. Perhaps that
is just a malicious rumour against a Prime Minister who really means to do his
best, despite taking Australia into wars that the majority of the population
oppose vehemently and looking like the funeral director who won the competition
for being the least charismatic. He does look like the sort of guy who would
throw a sack full of puppies into a river and his record in that regard is not
Broome, we had a day around town, mostly taking it easy, then in the afternoon,
we went to the beach to watch the sunset that Broome is famous for. Stephanie,
one of the least enthusiastic people I have ever met, was particularly excited
about seeing the sunset here. I didn’t quite know why, though it was nice to
see that she wasn’t entirely bereft of emotion. She had told me that a friend
had sent her a picture that showed the most beautiful sunset imaginable in
Broome, so she was hoping for that. As we waited for the sun to set, some clouds
came around and Stephanie was becoming miserable, worried they would spoil the
view. When the sunset, it was very lovely and the clouds gave an added depth and
richness of colour, it was very nice indeed. The strangest thing was that just
after the sun dropped over the horizon, it actually got lighter for a while,
something I have not previously seen (strange things happen in Australia).
admitted it was nice, though was almost inconsolable that it was not as good as
the one her friend had sent her the picture of. I tried to cheer her up a bit,
but to be honest her general miserable nature was pissing me off a bit. In the
picture, there was a child throwing a ball up in the air, just by the setting
sun, none of that was happening here. I asked if that was what she had seriously
expected. Apparently it was. It had been in the photo her friend sent after all.
When I finally saw the photo a couple of days later, I saw that it was torn out
of a promotional magazine and was the most cliched shot imaginable. There was
nothing to make it special to Broome and it had been dressed, with the set up
with the boy and so doctored with filters and so forth, it was not surprising it
hadn’t looked like that. Anyway.
Derby, is the Aboriginal Prison Tree. A huge stocky, boab tree that may or may
not, have been used to chain prisoners too and even to stick inside. It is a
funny looking thing, fat in the trunk, with bits of branches and so forth
sprouting from its top. If a particularly obese troll was turned into a tree,
this is probably what he would look like. Although there were other boab trees
around, this was certainly the most rotund. Derby is not an attractive town, it
is home to the world’s second biggest tide (after the Bay of Fundy in Canada).
It isn’t something that one can see and appreciate, except for at spring
tides, so we left.
were getting closer to the border with the Northern Territory and there were
many more Aboriginals around. In Hall’s Creek, a small town, I was filling the
car up from the Jerry cans when an old aboriginal fellow came walking towards
me, with one flip-flop in his hand, the other on his foot. So, “have you
broken your shoe?” I asked.
it’s just that, this one is a bit tight, so I carry it instead.”
got chatting and he asked me where I was from.
I told him
right because I’m Irish you know.”
thing I thought when I saw you was, that man is Irish.”
both had a good laugh and Samuel, as that was his name, waved us goodbye as we
headed to Pernululu or the Bungle Bungles, as it is more commonly known.
down the road though, the police stopped me. I wondered what might be wrong, so
I got out the car and asked, “What can I do for you?”
we’re just pulling over South Australians today.” Came the response,
referring to my South Australian numberplates.
I’m English so I’m leaving then.”
like Australia, there are not many countries in the world where you get pulled
over by the police and the first thing they do is crack a joke. At least I think
he was joking. They were actually conducting random licence and breath tests.
Once I had passed these, we continued chatting for a bit. The officer asked me,
“So, what are you doing now then?”
I’m off to get pissed and then I’m going to drive north, after all what is
the chance of getting pulled over twice in one day?”
this town pretty good, there are only about three cars. But where are you
told him that we were going and he gave some recommendations and off we went.
Very sociable, especially for Police (Things like that happen in Australia).
turn-off for the Bungle Bungles was a little way up the highway and then it was
a full on four-wheel drive track across a station (ranch), for two hours, to go
fifty kilometres, before we even entered the park. There were a number of tricky
bits on the trail, but thankfully no damage was done. We stayed that night in
the car park for a lookout and had a beautiful starry night sky to look at.
following morning we walked up to the lookout where we had some nice views and
then headed to the Echidna Chasm. A narrow chasm, which got more and more orange
as more and more light poured in. I also found a green and yellow frog in a
little nook, who was interesting to look at and quite cute. He was probably
deadly, almost everything here is, the dirt is probably toxic, the snakes can
kill you just by looking at you, the sharks munch you, estuarine crocodiles take
you without a trace, the jellyfish torture you to death, Dingos eat your babies,
kangaroos box you to death, cows and camels crash cars, the spiders are lethal
in the extreme and lurk in places that it seems they have thought about as being
the most embarrassing or likely to surprise you, so even if they don’t bite
you, you will probably crash your car or have a heart attack anyway, giving the
same sort of result. Even the sun is so deadly in this country that they
regularly have burn times of three minutes. That is about enough time to get out
the car, go for a leak behind a tree and get back to find that you have probably
just got skin cancer. After looking at the little fellow for as long as we did,
we were probably lucky to escape with our lives (things happen in Australia).
the other end of the park, we visited Cathedral Gorge and the domes. This is the
bit that the Bungle Bungles are most famous for. The rock formations are like
massive orange and black banded beehives and the walk amongst the domes is
lovely. Then one goes into a natural amphitheatre, carved from the rock. All
extremely lovely.
leaving Pernululu, we headed north, through Kununurra, winner of Western
Australia’s crappiest town award, for the last few years. Just a little while
later, we were in the Northern Territory.
Northern Territory is a bit of an odd creation (things often are strange in
Australia). It was actually formed by the states all drawing their borders and
then this was the bit left that no one wanted. Then a while later, several
clamoured for control and South Australia got it. The South Australians didn’t
get as much out of it as they had hoped, so they did a deal that meant that the
Northern Territory would become an independent entity within the Australian
Commonwealth. Part of the deal was that there would have to be a rail link from
Adelaide all the way to Darwin, paid for by the federal government. The silly
thing was that they didn’t stipulate when this would have to be completed. The
deal was done in 1911, the railway was completed a couple of years ago. It is a
massive area of more than 1.3mn square kilometres, with a tiny population of
around 132,000 almost a third of which are aboriginals. The even stranger thing
is, the Territory is not even officially fully part of Australia. The populace
voted not to become a state and so, their representatives is government have no
voting powers, but the Federal government can impose decisions on them.
Australians never seem to do things normally and Territorians like to be that
bit extra special.
are some excellent parks in the Territory and on the way to the country’s
largest Kakadu, we stopped in at Edith Falls for a swim and a look at the lovely
is a national park, full of things to do. It has nature and also well presented,
easily accessed aboriginal culture. Actually, much of the land that makes up the
park is owned by aboriginal clans who in turn, lease it to the government.
Amongst those things in the park we saw, were some impressive rock paintings.
The first ones I saw were primitive in every way, some though were actually very
much more involved, intricate and sometimes quite lovely. These paintings are in
general many thousands of years old. Some depict animals that have been extinct
for several thousand years, the mere fact that the paint has lasted that long is
impressive. There is also impressive natural beauty and some of the views are
exceptionally nice. The sunset view from Ubir is famous and we were lucky to see
rock wallabies as we came down, after the sunset.
took a boat ride down the river, with an aboriginal guide who explained how the
aboriginals use the trees, implements, natural elements, live and their social
structures. Their system of justice, whilst brutal is effective. The men will
generally receive a spear in the leg or several, depending on the crime. Other
women beat women who have misbehaved with a heavy stick, often breaking bones.
He told us of a guy driving through some ancestral lands without permission.
This was both wrong and illegal. Moreover it really pissed off the tribal
elders, one of whom, threw a spear clear through the metal door of the Toyota
and into the guys leg. Justice was duly served. The scar will make a convenient
reminder to get a permit the next time I am sure.
the trip I spotted a “Saltie”, an estuarine crocodile. These things are
natural born killers and take people without warning. The guide kept the boat
some distance from the croc, though we all wanted a closer look. Just because
these things are easily capable of jumping into the boat, I don’t know why he
was being so shy of it.
in the short hop we did, there are about one hundred and twenty of these
impressive killing machines, the biggest being Eric, five and a half metres long
and seventy years old, who can swim at up to thirty-five kilometres an hour. I
have seen plenty of seventy year-olds who don’t even drive that fast.
thing I decided to pay a bit more for was a scenic flight to see the Twin and
Jim Jim Falls. The views across the countryside were lovely and the falls,
although a little bit in shadow, looked lovely. The access road to the falls had
been closed, as apparently there are too many estuarine crocodiles around. As
reported by the BBC
last stop we had in the park was Manuluka wetlands, where we could see all sorts
of birds, a snake, dragonflies and fish.
the capital of the Northern Territory is not a beautiful city, having been
bombed during the war by the Japanese and then destroyed by cyclones, it is a
wonder they even bothered to rebuild it, but they did. After a brief stop there,
we headed to the Katherine Gorge, had nice views and then to Litchfield National
Park. There, we bathed in waterfalls, before heading south.
drive south is quite a long one, broken by very little in the way of
distractions. The most notable (because it is the only real one is) The
Devil’s Marbles. These are spherical rocks positioned on top of each other and
we stayed there the night and saw them with the sunrise, which was very nice.
there it was just a few hours drive to Alice Springs or The Alice as it is often
known (they talk strangely strange in Australia). There I got rid of Stephanie,
who had actually been so miserable and mean, I was pleased to be shot of her.
The rude cow didn’t even say thankyou. I told her that “next time someone
drives you NINE THOUSAND kilometres, it is polite to at least say thankyou”. I
didn’t receive a response.
Springs is a town with a bit of character and I stopped in at the Museum of
Central Australia there. A surprisingly impressive spot and also where someone I
knew from when I first went to Chile worked. Ian was not around unfortunately,
so we didn’t meet up. He didn’t know I was coming and quite possibly
wouldn’t have remembered me anyway.
people mistakenly think that The Alice is just next door to ‘The Rock’, that
being Ayer’s Rock or Uluru as it is now officially as well as traditionally
known. In reality, the Rock is about four hundred kilometres away. So, from
Alice I drove their, narrowly missing cows and kangaroos on the road as I went.
One car was not so lucky as it lay written off and abandoned, with the same fate
as the cow it had clearly collided with. I parked up just a few hundred metres
from the Park entrance and woke early the next morning to see the sunrise at the
rock. It was unfortunately overcast, so the sunrise was not special, it just got
lighter. It was quite funny as I eavesdropped a middle-aged German couple. He
kept on looking at his watch and then turned to his wife and said in German
“The sun was supposed to rise at 7.10, it is now 7.11, let’s go” and off
they went. Arseholes. By 7.15, almost everyone from the bus-loads there had
gone. Arseholes.
I went for a guided walk around the Mala area. This was a free thing, given by a
ranger, who explained some of the environmental, historical, ecological,
traditional and theological issues. With aboriginal things, the men’s and
women’s business is clearly delineated. So, some areas were specifically
women’s sacred sites and some were men’s. For the Spanish speakers, there is
one women’s sacred site called Mala Puta, it means something very different in
the aboriginal language (home of the wallaby I think). After that, I carried on
walking to circumambulate the thing. It is somehow mysterious and engaging and
exudes a character of it’s own. Quite impressive for an inanimate object. The
rock has shapes and crevices, marks and interesting areas of erosion. Some of
which look a bit like solidified melted red cheese (not the finest analogy, but
if you saw it, you would know what I mean).
having seen the cultural centre, which was informative, I went to the sunset
viewing area. The sunset that afternoon was very nice and I had an excellent
spot. Also, as the car has a large roof rack, I could stand on it, watching the
sun go down behind me and changing the colour of the rock, through reds and
morning I got up once again for the sunrise, this time from a different spot
near to Kata Tjuta, previously known as The Olgas. From there, the sunrise was
very lovely, though in the direction of Uluru. It slowly lit it up, but it was
the colours in the sky around it that were so special. Then I went to walk
amongst some of the rocky outcroppings of Kata Tjuta. These are a similar type
of rock to Uluru, but there are several of them next to each other.
had spent enough time at Uluru etc. so, I headed south towards Coober Pedy. I
stopped on the way, at a viewpoint over The Breakaways, some pleasant small
mountains, for the night and saw the sunrise there in the morning. Then I headed
into Coober Pedy.
Pedy is apparently a corruption of what the local aboriginals called the people
there Kupa Piti – men in holes. Coober Pedy is the opal capital of Australia
and the method of extraction is to dig, originally by hand, slowly unearthing a
seam, which is then carefully excavated. The people did and still do live in
holes too. There are a number of homes that are carved from the ground, where it
is cooler and actually has a consistent year round temperature. I saw one place
for sale at one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. It actually looked quite
plush. There are homes with a number of bedrooms (sometimes as many as ten)
large reception areas and so forth, all finely furnished. The advantage of this
system of living apart from the heat and sound insulation, is that an extension
requires hiring a digging machine for a bit, then you have an extra room. Not
even very expensive. The average house apparently costs about thirty-five
thousand Australian dollars to excavate. I visited various underground churches
too, the most impressive being the Serbian, with reliefs carved in the walls.
Coober Pedy, I had long drive north to Port Douglas on the east coast. This took
me back past The Alice, much of the way back north I had previously been and
then East, to the Queensland border. As I crossed the border, I felt sad that I
had left the Northern Territories and said “see you N.T.”, as I left –
good thing it wasn’t a text message. Nick had always maintained the imbecility
of rural Queenslanders and in Vietnam, this had been vindicated with some
experiences there. Many people think of Queenslanders as imbeciles, even a
former premier said, “Queensland isn’t a state it’s a condition”. Just a
few kilometres over the border I stopped to get a little bit of fuel at a
roadhouse. Mine was the only car in the forecourt, yet when I went in there were
a couple of people ahead of me at the checkout. The guy in front took about ten
minutes with the checkout girl, doing some paperwork or whatever. Then another
worker comes along has a look at the forecourt and at the computer and says
“number three still hasn’t paid”.
cranes her neck around and replies, “the car’s still here, he can’t have
gone far”.
have been stood in front of you for ten minutes you morons!” I wanted to
bellow, but didn’t. I waited another minute or two paid for my fuel, pointing
out to the checkout assistant, that was my car, the only one there and I have
been stood here the whole time. She didn’t understand vaguely why I was
telling her this, so off I went.
next hundred kilometres of highway was the worst I had yet travelled on in
Australia. Just a single lane width, with dirt at the sides. The genius thing is
that they have put posts at regular intervals along the side, so cars can’t
even pass each other easily, with just one side of each driving in the dirt. One
has to stop to let the other pass. This is a bit like Chicken but seemed to work
as you could slow enough to duck between the posts as the car passed. However,
road-trains are a different story. Playing chicken with hundreds of tonnes
careening along at one hundred kilometres an hour is not fun. I was lucky that I
same across one going in the same direction as me, so I stuck behind him and
just watched the cars swerving off to a halt in the dirt. It looked vaguely like
the bit in a Hollywood film where the police inevitably end up driving down the
wrong way of a Freeway, only it was a little less dramatic and there was no-one
shooting at us.
the road came to an end a little bit before Mount Isa. There, I had a bit of a
look around and came across a sign “Head Reconditioning”. Probably a
lucrative business in this state. Finding The Isa (Australians also call this
place The Isa. At least they are consistent in their illiteracy), entirely
unimpressive, ugly and unworthy of my time, I continued to press on towards the
coast. Before dusk, a massive storm descended, actually several. I would drive
through one storm, into another for hours. At times, the rain was so heavy I
could hardly see past the front of the car. At these times I drove down the
middle of the road with the full beam on, just following the white lines slowly.
The storm abated and I carried on until the car backfired a couple of times,
lurched a bit and stopped at the side of the road. I tried to turn her over but
nothing was happening. After trying a few times, the power in the battery was
fading fast. So, after I had pushed it mostly off the road, I stood outside the
car, keeping an eye out for things coming down the road, which could be seen
from some distance away. Then I would wave a torch at the car (I did have hazard
lights on too), just so they could see and avoid it. The road-trains would steam
past shaking the car from side to side as they went. After a while one of the
road trains actually stopped, then reversed the thing, quite an impressive feat,
as hundreds of cows mooed away. Then the driver got out gave me his diagnosis
(incidentally, he was wrong) and then headed off again. A little later still, a
ute (pick-up truck) stopped and the passenger got out. He was so hairy, I
wasn’t sure if he had several possums glued to his face. He spoke in such a
broad country accent and looked so decidedly from the outback, that I would
guess that this is the sort of person Banjo Patterson (author of Waltzing
Mathilda and other Australian verse) would have been writing about. He actually
made me think more about the banjo player in Deliverance and I began to fear for
my life and my sphincter. They actually turned out to be helpful folk and they
towed me to Richmond, where I stopped for the night, waiting until morning to
get some help from a mechanic.
morning came, the breakdown company sent a mechanic along, he diagnosed the
ignition coil having burned out, probably due to some wet getting in it during
the storm. He then managed to find one for a Land Cruiser that was bullied into
place and made to fit as a temporary solution to get me to the coast where I
should be able to pick up a genuine part. Because of my affiliation, thankfully
it didn’t even cost.
got to Charters Towers, the next big town, three hundred kilometres down the
road and went to see if I could get the part there. In the shop, they asked if I
had just come from Richmond, I said I had. Apparently word can travel fast in
these parts. Possibly the most exciting thing that had happened in a while. They
didn’t have the part but had already found that there was a coil for me in
Townsville, where I was heading. It was reserved for me, so off I went to go get
Townsville, I got the coil, fitted it and then headed north to Port Douglas.
Going through Cairns, I formed an instant dislike for the place. From the
highway, it is just a succession of traffic lights and strip malls. It reminded
me more of LA than anywhere else and that is not a good thing. From Cairns to
Port Douglas is just a short hop, through mountain roads. It actually made for
slightly more interesting driving than the straight roads I had been used to.
After driving three thousand two hundred kilometres (two thousand miles), with a
numb bum, I pulled in to Port Douglas, spoke to a local friend and went to stay
at a hostel there, the first time in a month that I had not slept in the car. I
should point out that at the roadhouses and many petrol stations, public toilets
and so forth, there are shower facilities, so I had bathed, though perhaps not
as frequently as I otherwise would have.
I think that is enough for the moment. I will leave you there and my final
fortnight in Australia will be covered in the next newsletter. I’m sure you
can hardly wait.